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Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell Review

Title: Eleanor & Park

Author: Rainbow Rowell

First published April 12, 2012

328 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 9781250012579 (ISBN10: 1250012570)

Rating: 3.96


“Love is complicated, especially when you’re a teenager,” Park muses. “But it’s also worth fighting for,” replies Eleanor.

In Rainbow Rowell’s touching novel, Eleanor & Park, two unlikely teens must navigate the ups and downs of falling in love while dealing with the challenges of their everyday lives. Set in the 1980s, this story follows the journey of two misfits who find solace in each other’s company.

With wit, heart, and sincerity, Rowell captures the essence of first love and the struggles that come with it. Will Eleanor and Park’s love endure the test of time?

Find out in this unforgettable tale of teenage romance.”

About the Author

Rainbow Rowell is a versatile writer who covers a variety of topics. Her repertoire includes stories featuring grown-ups (such as “Attachments” and “Landline”), as well as tales of teenagers in love (like “Eleanor & Park” and “Fangirl”).

Furthermore, she often delves into the world of imaginative creatures, including lovesick vampires and winged men, in her trilogy “The Simon Snow.”

In recent years, she has ventured into the realm of comics. She completed her first graphic novel, “Pumpkinheads,” and currently writes the monthly comic “She-Hulk” for Marvel.

Rainbow Rowell is based in Omaha, Nebraska. For more information, visit her website at rainbowrowell.com.

Editoral Review

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell is a young adult novel that was first published in 2012. The author, Rainbow Rowell, is a popular contemporary author who has written several successful young adult novels, including Fangirl and Carry On. Eleanor & Park is a coming-of-age story that deals with themes of love, identity, and social class.

The book is set in 1986, in Omaha, Nebraska, and follows the story of two teenagers, Eleanor and Park, who come from very different backgrounds. Eleanor is a chubby, red-headed girl from a poor and troubled family, while Park is a half-Korean boy from a loving and stable middle-class family.

Despite their differences, Eleanor and Park form a deep connection through their shared love of comic books and music.

As the story progresses, the two teenagers navigate their complicated relationship while dealing with the challenges of high school, family problems, and societal pressures. The book is told from both Eleanor and Park’s perspectives, allowing the reader to see their individual struggles and perspectives.

One of the strengths of Eleanor & Park is its well-drawn characters. Both Eleanor and Park are complex and relatable, with their own unique personalities and flaws.

The book also deals with important themes such as bullying, body image, and domestic abuse in a sensitive and thought-provoking manner.

The writing in Eleanor & Park is also noteworthy, with Rowell’s prose being both lyrical and engaging. The dialogue between the characters is particularly well-written, with each character having their own distinct voice.

However, the book is not without its flaws. Some readers may find the ending to be unsatisfying or abrupt, while others may take issue with the portrayal of certain characters or themes.

Overall, Eleanor & Park is a beautifully written and thought-provoking novel that is sure to resonate with young adult readers. The book’s themes and characters are timeless, and the writing is both engaging and sophisticated.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys young adult literature or is looking for a heartwarming and thought-provoking read.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

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